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Time For a Website Redesign!

It’s time. Your website is giving off bad vibes.

We come across sites begging for a redesign at least once a day, whether the reason is mobile unresponsiveness, a chaotic layout, or functionality problems.

Let’s go over a few reasons that your website might need a makeover, starting with the most obvious – user friendliness.

#1: A website redesign will improve user experience

Don’t you want visitors to easily find the information that they’re looking for? You want them to purchase, contact, or learn more. Why make it difficult?

Optimize your user experience!

A great user experience is the key to establishing and maintaining trust with your website visitors.

#2: A website redesign will improve your search engine rankings

Switching out a hero image and calling it a day is not a website redesign.

In fact, a redesign can involve things like page reorganization and permalink restructuring because sensible hierarchical organization helps search engines do their jobs better.

Search engine algorithms consider user experience as a ranking factor ?

Page speed loading time, mobile responsiveness, and layout shifts tell search engines how much to care about your website. And when search engines take notice, so do users.

#3: A website redesign will improve your brand

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but attention spans and brand loyalty aren’t what they used to be.

Just because Company A has been around longer than Company B no longer means much, and just because you use big industry-specific words doesn’t always equate to expertise.

The internet itself and visitor’s expectations are always evolving, so in turn brand evolution is an important part of establishing trust and memorability.

#4: A website redesign can make your site mobile-friendly

Let’s be honest, most mobile versions of websites are somewhere between mildly acceptable and an absolute hot mess.

And did you know that each year since 2013 there’s been an average increase of ~10% of website traffic that comes from mobile devices?

Check out our live stream on Google’s latest updates involving mobile responsiveness and SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages):

So.. is it time for a website redesign?

We see a dramatic increase in users (and a similar decrease in bounce rate) on sites that we have redesigned. For example, the GA4 chart below is where 3tone Digital stepped in and redesigned our client’s restaurant website (view COC’s case study).

Website Redesign Ga4 Increase
In January, you can see the massive jump in users, then a readjustment (we updated URL structures), and the gradual ongoing increase in user activity trends after our full website redesign for COC.

Not only are our clients thrilled when they see these sorts of improvements, but it’s honestly ultra-satisfying to us. We love to see the benefit of our actions, it’s just one of the reasons we offer ongoing retainer and monthly maintenance services.

So you can put off a website redesign. Maybe you feel it hasn’t been enough time since you launched your new website. Maybe you think “hey, if it ain’t broke”. Maybe you’re scared of change. Maybe you’re stubborn. Maybe you’re just so used to your site that you can’t bear the thought of updating it.

But maybe you’re wrong, the data is right, and it is time for a website redesign!

Marketing Agency 3tone Digital

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